Ritual Kit:

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Protection: 1 Bundled white sage smudge stick. 1 feather for distributing the sage smoke. 1 palo santo sacred wood stick. Dried chamomile and rose flowers. 1 polished aventurine stone for good luck to attract money.

Abundance: 1 Bundled White Sage Smudge Stick. 1 feather for distributing the sage smoke. 1 Palo Santo Sacred Wood sticks. Dried Chamomile Flowers. 1 polished black tourmaline stone for protection and healing.

Energy Clearing:1 Bundled White Sage Smudge Stick. 1 Palo Santo Sacred Wood sticks. Dried Rose Flowers. 1 Quartz Crystal.

Creativity: Use this spell kit to Light your creative Fire. 1 Bundled White Sage Smudge Stick. 1 Palo Santo Sacred Wood sticks. Dried Rose Flowers. 1 Citrine Stone. 1 Yellow Candle.

Burning Love: Use this kit to cast a Love Spell. Dried Rose Petals. 1 Rose Quartz. 1 Rose Water . 1 Heart Candle.

Balance: Use this kit to bring balance and ease into your life and space. 1 Palo Santo Sacred Wood stick. 1 Bundled White Sage Smudge Stick. Dried Rose Flowers. 1 Ritual Candle. Green Moss. 1 Red Agate stone.

Chakra Healing: Use this kit to harmonize your inner and outer world by tuning into the delicate balance of energies within. Each Chakra center is connected to us on mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. When the Chakras are out of balance the body can manifest symptoms of discomfort in all these areas. Crystals can be used to balance the Chakras and enhance Chakra healing. To use place dried flowers on your altar and light candle to set your intentions. Place stones on the altar, under a sleeping pillow, or carry to on your body. Burn palo santo wood for cleaning and sealing in good energy. Use the feather to fan the smoke around your body and space. Kit includes rose quartz, amethyst, sodanite, green aventuirne, tiger-eye, yellow jade, red jasper, palo santo wood, ritual candle, aventurine stone, feather, & dried flowers.

Made in United States of America

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